I am…

The most profound and concretizing sentence you ever make. This declares you, who you are and if it is anything less than “an extraordinary expression of the Universe”, then you are needlessly limiting yourself.

In dialogue with clients, I listen for this as it is a self declaration. The blindness with which a person says this can be the key to unlocking the life you want. These are often unconscious, habitual statements that are worth questioning.

I am a worrier.

I am sick.

I am a procrastinator.

I am poor.

Notice yourself making these declarations and the body response. If you are saying things that don’t feel good, you are investing in the life you are trying to change, working against yourself, and ignoring the whole truth of who you are. Language is powerful and worth bringing conscious intention to.

This is where I come in…if you’d like to do a 15 minute call to explore how to create elevated changes in your life, I can listen with a loving heart to how you speak and we can look together to discover where your words could be better aligned with your highest expression.

Big love,


Kris Laroche

Life and Leadership coaching and animal bodywork


The cost of sovereignty